Wednesday, February 13, 2008
Ladies & Gentlemen......

Ladies & Gentlemen,

Last Monday Toastmaster Vice President Education smsed me and asked me whether i could be the invocator for the Chinese New Year and Valentine's Day meeting on Wednesday. I was so reluctant in doing it as it can be considered as a last min job. But i knew that i had to keep good relation with the Toastmasters in my job. Therefore, i accepted the invitation.

I took the challenge with the thoughts in my mind that with great effort and determination, i could do it. Before i started doing my speechwriting, i did some research on my topic. It is true when one say that a speech is only as good as the quality of research and reflection put into it. Just because you are a good speaker, doesnt make you a good speechwriter. When i started doing my speechwriting, i recalled the article by David Zielinski. He wrote that, ' one of the biggest mistake that novice speechwriters make is writing for the eyes rather than the ears.'

After that, i started practising my speech and tried to deliver it in a very professional manner with the advice given by my mentor, Danny Bong. Though it was not my first time delivering a speech at Toastmasters, i was still experiencing stage fright. During my practise, i knew that i had to make my 'butterflies' fly in a formation. As a result of this, i delivered the speech very well indeed.

My mentor commented that i had a very confidence speech with great body language and eyes contact. He also adviced me to work on my facial expression.

To me it was a personal success. It took me such a huge encouragement to deliver a good speech. Well if i hadnt agree to the Vice President Education's invitation, it would be a great disappointment in truth. Now, i truly believe that if one wanted to succeed in life, he/she must get out of this comfort zone and start doing what he/she should do. In order to receive a victorious outcome, perseverance is the only outcome. Thank you.

posted by David Yuen @ 7:38 AM   1 comments
Tuesday, February 12, 2008

In this world, we tend to perceive ourselves that God is secondary. We always filled our lives with other urgent matters without reference to God as we are constructing our lives by our own lights. Things that made us feel that 'it is always better to have it our ways and setting God aside.' - it is a form of temptation.

God is the issue. Is he real, reality itself, or isnt he? Is he good or do we have to invent the good ourselves? The God question is the fundamental question and it sets us down right at the crosswords of human existence. Well, we have read about the temptations of Jesus Christ and that is the question they are all about. The three temptations are identical in Matthew and Luke but the sequence is different.

If man's heart is not good, then nothing else can turn out good. And the goodness of human heart can ultimately come only from The One who is goodness ,who is the Good itself.

Of course one can still ask why God did not make the world in which his presense is more evident. WHY Christ did not leave another sign of his presense so radiant that no one could resist it? This is the mystery of God and man which we find inscrutable. We live in this world where God is not so manifest as tangible things. But God can be sought and found only where the heart sets out on the 'Exodus' from 'Egypt.' It is this world that we obliged to resist the delusions of false philosophies and to recognize that we do not leave on bread alone, but first and foremost by obdience to God's word. Only when this obedience is put into practise does the attitude develop that is also capable of providing bread for all.

Lately i have been tempted and relied on my human strength instead of asking for His guidance. I have written this and posted it on my blog to remind myself that God is real and never ever try to figure out how God works things out coz if we do, then you are God himself. LOL! Just do your part and have faith in God, then everything will falls to its place well.
posted by David Yuen @ 8:45 AM   0 comments
Life's a secret.
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Name: David Yuen
Home: Kuala Lumpur, Cheras, Malaysia
About Me: I am an ACCA student and a Toastmaster member in Sunway University College.
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